Council members, nonprofits, health officials look to diversify mental health workforce

Improving salary, benefits, educational opportunities seen as solutions
NIPSCO employees raise funds for Mental Health Organizations through 2021 Charity of Choice campaign

This summer, NIPSCO employees raised $20,200 to support local mental health organizations in the 2021 Charity of Choice campaign. Charity of Choice is NIPSCO’s employee-driven, company-wide...
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.
Workers in the Yukon and across Canada reporting more mental health injuries | CBC News

When you think of workplace injuries, the physical ones caused by operating heavy and dangerous machinery might come to mind. But worker’s compensation boards across Canada are seeing increases in invisible injury claims.