COVID’s impacts on student mental health are ‘widespread and deeply concerning’ – Florida Phoenix

The turbulent and stressful COVID-19 crisis has impacted mental health issues, including instances of suicidal thoughts among students who have had to deal with the trauma of trying to learn during the pandemic. “The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on student mental health are widespread and deeply concerning,” the Department of Education’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil […]

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Peer-based Mental Health Platform “Happy” Adds Strength Of SAS Analytics

The breadth of mental health and substance abuse disorders in the US is staggering. Depression affects 18 million people, 40 million face anxiety disorders, and almost 21 million have at least one addiction. To better identify and help people facing mental health challenges, Happy – an innovative peer-based mental health platform – is collaborating with analytics leader SAS on a novel program to expand access to behavioral health services.

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